109 research outputs found

    Comunicação estratégica de ciência: análise de benchmarking de instituições científicas nacionais e internacionais e proposta de plano de comunicação para o MARE - Centro de Ciência do Mar e do Ambiente

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    A comunicação de ciência registou um enorme crescimento, em Portugal, nos últimos 20 anos, tendo-se multiplicado as iniciativas e atividades dirigidas às mais variadas audiências. A abertura do diálogo entre os cientistas e instituições científicas e a sociedade, assim como o reconhecimento da sua importância, conduziu à institucionalização da comunicação de ciência e ao aparecimento dos primeiros gabinetes de comunicação em unidades de investigação e desenvolvimento portuguesas. Por outro lado, são já vários os mecanismos de financiamento e instituições financiadoras que solicitam planos ou tarefas de comunicação no âmbito das suas candidaturas dirigindo mesmo financiamento específico para projetos nesta área. Apesar deste franco crescimento, a atividade é ainda pontual em muitas unidades científicas nacionais e noutras faltará uma maior profissionalização com o envolvimento de maior número de recursos humanos e financeiros. A existência de uma comunicação estratégica e a definição de planos de comunicação, sejam eles institucionais, programáticos ou de projeto, torna-se absolutamente fundamental no âmbito das instituições que desenvolvem e promovem ciência, permitindo assegurar a partilha de informação de forma sistemática, uma comunicação bidirecional, o foco da mensagem para atingir as audiências selecionadas de forma eficaz cumprindo os objetivos estabelecidos. No presente trabalho de projeto propõe-se um plano de comunicação para uma instituição de investigação científica nacional, o MARE - Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, tendo em conta uma prévia análise da concorrência, efetuada através de um estudo de benchmarking realizado aos websites e presença nas redes sociais de um conjunto de instituições científicas/entretenimento, nacionais e internacionais. Adicionalmente, efetuaram-se entrevistas dirigidas a representantes dos gabinetes de comunicação de quatro instituições científicas/entretenimento nacionais com o objetivo de recolher informação adicional sobre o funcionamento dos seus gabinetes. A proposta apresentada teve, ainda, em conta, uma análise de diagnóstico à comunicação de ciência que tem sido desenvolvida pelo MARE.Science communication in Portugal has greatly increased in the past 20 years, with several initiatives and activities being developed targeting different audiences. The emergence of an open dialogue between scientists and scientific institutions and society, as long with the recognition of its importance led to the institutionalisation of science communication and the establishment of the first communication offices in Portuguese research and development units. Moreover, there are already several funding mechanisms and institutions requesting specific communication plans or tasks within the scope of their applications submissions, creating even specific calls for projects in science communication. Despite its rapid growth, this activity is still sporadically registered in many national scientific units while in others the professionalisation and the involvement of more human and financial resources is still lacking. The implementation of a strategic communication and the definition of communication plans, whether institutional, programmatic or project-oriented, become absolutely critical within institutions that develop and promote science. This will allow sharing systematic information, a two-way communication, and the definition of key messages targeting specific audiences achieving the established objectives. The present working project aims to propose a communication plan to a national scientific institution, MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, taking into account a previous benchmarking study considering the websites and presence on social media of a set of national and international scientific and entertainment institutions. Additionally, the employees of the communication offices of four national scientific/entertainment institutions were interviewed in order to collect further information on their offices functioning. The present proposal also took into account a diagnosis analysis of the science communication that has been developed by MARE so far

    Funcionamento e Resiliência da Família no Contexto da Pandemia COVID-19: estudo com famílias em diferentes circunstâncias socioeconómicas

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    Objetivo: Analisar a perceção do funcionamento e da resiliência familiar durante o período da pandemia COVID-19 em sujeitos de famílias com condições socioeconómicas distintas. Metodologia: Participaram um total de 1182 sujeitos pertencentes a famílias a viver em Portugal durante a pandemia COVID-19. O protocolo integra a Escala de Avaliação da Adaptabilidade e Coesão Familiar (FACES IV), o Walsh Family Resilience Questionnaire (WFRQ e o questionário sociodemográfico e de dados complementares referentes à situação COVID-19. Resultados: Os participantes, na generalidade, percecionam as suas famílias como funcionais, coesas e flexíveis, com uma boa comunicação, mas com baixa satisfação. A perceção do funcionamento familiar é distinta consoante o rendimento mensal dos participantes. Os que têm rendimentos mais baixos – entre até 500 e 1000 euros mensais – apresentam uma perceção de coesão, e flexibilidade mais baixas e menor satisfação com a família. Relativamente à perceção da resiliência familiar, os inquiridos percecionam elevada resiliência em todas as dimensões e, em particular, na dimensão sistema de crenças. No entanto, esta perceção varia em função dos rendimentos, sendo que à medida que os rendimentos aumentam a perceção de resiliência também é mais elevada, em todas as dimensões. O nível de preocupação face à situação COVID -19 é mais alto nas dimensões escolar/profissional, financeira, familiar, social e saúde, nos sujeitos pertencentes a famílias rendimentos mais baixos, em comparação com os sujeitos com rendimentos familiares mais elevados. Conclusão: Sujeitos pertencentes a famílias com rendimentos financeiros baixos têm uma perceção de funcionamento familiar menos coeso, flexível e estão menos satisfeitas e percecionam-se como menos resilientes, em comparação com sujeitos pertencentes a famílias com rendimentos mais elevados. / Objective: To analyze the perception of the family functioning and resilience during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic in subjects from families with distinct socio-economic conditions. Methodology: A total of 1182 subjects living in Portugal, during the COVID-19 pandemic, participated in this study. The protocol integrates the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES IV), the Walsh Family Resilience Questionnaire (WFRQ), and the sociodemographic and complementary data questionnaire regarding the COVID-19 situation. Results: The participants, in general, perceive their families as functional, cohesive, and flexible, with good communication, but with low satisfaction. The perception of family functioning differs according to the income of the participants. Those with lower incomes - between 500 and 1000 euros per month - have a lower perception of cohesion and flexibility and they are also less satisfied with the family. Regarding the perception of family resilience, respondents report high resilience in all dimensions and, in particular, in the belief systems dimension. However, this perception varies according to income and, as income increases, the perception of resilience is also higher in all dimensions. The level of concern about the COVID -19 situation is higher in the school/professional, financial, family, social, and health dimensions, in subjects belonging to families with lower incomes (500 and 1000 euros per month), compared to subjects with higher family incomes. Conclusion: subjects from families with low financial incomes perceive family functioning as less cohesive, flexible, they are less satisfied and perceive less family resilience

    Fecundity and sex steroid profile in boarfish Capros aper

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    The boarfish Capros aper is one of the most commonly discarded non-commercial species in the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Subdivision VIII in the Atlantic. An increasing interest in this fishery and an incomplete knowledge on the status of the stock justified the present investigation focused on the determination of fecundity type and its estimation, supported by sex steroid profiles for 17 beta-oestradiol (E2), 11-ketotestosterone and 17,20 beta-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one (17,20 beta-P). C. aper was found to have indeterminate fecundity with a mean relative batch fecundity during the spawning peak of 50 oocytes g(-1) eviscerated weight (W-E) and a mean relative annual fecundity of 4020 oocytes g(-1) W-E. E2 variations throughout the year indicated the existence of at least two important spawning events, one in winter (January-February) and the other in summer (June-August), with concentrations in females increasing from those with growing oocytes in the developing phase to those in the spawning capable phase. Higher E2 concentrations were also found from 2000 to 2400 hours and from 0800 to 1200 hours suggesting more intense vitellogenesis activity during the night and in the morning, in contrast to 17,20 beta-P concentrations, which were higher between 1200 and 2000 hours, suggesting a more intense spawning activity during this period.UID/MAR/04292/2019, UID/Multi/04326/2019, CEECIND/02705/2017, CEECIND/01528/2017, SFRH/BPD/108917/2015info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estrategias reproductivas en el sable negro (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) en el Atlántico nordeste

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    Gonads of the NE Atlantic black scabbardfish were examined to give an insight into the reproductive biology of this species. It was concluded that black scabbardfish had determinate fecundity because: (i) a distinct hiatus in oocyte size was observed between pre-vitellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes; (ii) vitellogenic oocytes increased in size during the spawning season; (iii) the number of vitellogenic oocytes did not increase during the spawning season; and (iv) the intensity of atresia was low in pre-spawning and spawning ovaries. Fecundity estimates ranged from 73 to 373 oocytes g-1 female. Comparison of developing ovaries from mainland Portugal and Madeira revealed that those from Madeira were more advanced in development, with more cortical alveoli stage oocytes and a higher gonadosomatic index. Starting in July, the reproductive development of all females from mainland Portugal was interrupted by a generalised atresia of developing oocytes. Completion of gametogenesis and spawning only occurred for fish from Madeira but some fish from this area also failed to complete oocyte development due to mass follicular atresia of vitellogenic oocytes. The percentage of Madeiran fish that failed to spawn due to follicular atresia ranged from 21.2% in 2006 to 37.4% in 2005.Las gónadas del sable negro del Atlántico nordeste fueron examinadas para conocer la biología reproductiva de esta especie. Los resultados sobre el tipo de fecundidad mostraron que la especie tenía una fecundidad determinada en base a los siguientes hechos: (i) hiato entre ovocitos previtelogénicos y vitelogénicos; (ii) aumento de tamaño de los ovocitos vitelogénicos durante el período de puesta; (iii) ausencia de incremento en el número permanente de ovocitos vitelogénicos avanzados durante el período de puesta y (iv) una pequeña atresia en los ovarios antes de la ovulación y durante ella. Las estimaciones de fecundidad se establecieron entre 73 y 373 ovocitos g-1 hembra. La comparación de los ovarios de hembras en desarrollo de aguas frente a Portugal continental y las de Madeira mostró una diferencia significativa en el tamaño medio de los ovocitos entre las dos áreas, y que las hembras de Madeira presentaron una mayor cantidad de ovocitos con alvéolos corticales y un índice gonadosomático mayor. A partir de julio y en hembras recolectadas frente a Portugal de continente, todos los individuos comenzaron a sufrir una atresia generalizada en sus ovocitos, mientras que en las aguas de Madeira, el ciclo reproductivo continúa hasta ovulación. Sin embargo, en algunas hembras de Madeira la gametogénesis también se paraliza y todos los ovocitos vitelogénicos son absorbidos vía atresia folicular. El porcentaje de hembras no reproductivas varió del 21.23% en 2006 al 37.4% en 2005

    Highly regional population structure of Spondyliosoma cantharus depicted by nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data

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    Resolution of population structure represents an effective way to define biological stocks and inform efficient fisheries management. In the present study, the phylogeography of the protogynous sparid Spondyliosoma cantharus, in the East Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, was investigated with nuclear (S7) and mitochondrial (cytochrome b) DNA markers. Significant divergence of four regional genetic groups was observed: North Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Western African Transition (Cape Verde) and Gulf of Guinea (Angola). The two southern populations (Cape Verde and Angola) each comprised reciprocally monophyletic mtDNA lineages, revealed low levels of diversity in Cape Verde and high diversity for Angola despite being represented by only 14 individuals. A complete divergence between North Atlantic and Mediterranean populations was depicted by the mitochondrial marker, but a highly shared nuclear haplotype revealed an incomplete lineage sorting between these regions. Bayesian skyline plots and associated statistics revealed different dynamics among the four regions. Cape Verde showed no expansion and the expansion time estimated for Angola was much older than for the other regions. Mediterranean region seems to have experienced an early population growth but has remained with a stable population size for the last 30000 years while the North Atlantic population has been steadily growing. The lack of genetic structuring within these regions should not be taken as evidence of demographic panmixia in light of potential resolution thresholds and previous evidence of intra-regional phenotypic heterogeneity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O retorno impossível: Charles Darwin e a escravidão no Brasil

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    The presence of traveling naturalists and foreign artists in Brazil, both in its colonial period and in the imperial period, largely enriched the amount of information available about the country. Charles Darwin was one of those travelers who, with a simple and objective approach, contributed to this knowledge by pointing out the exuberance of our flora and fauna just like the others had done and more emphatically. Unlike many travelers, however, he scarcely referred to the political and social issues of the land he visited. From his main texts and correspondence one can obtain little but not less useful remarks about that; worthy of note is Darwin's pointing out the situation of slavery in Brazil, emphasizing the ill-treatment that captives were subjected to, particularly in Rio de Janeiro. With a brief report on the main aspects of its origins and on the presence of Darwin in Brazil, this paper studies the treatment given to the slaves in the first decades of the 19th century taking into account his reports and the negative feeling that would lead him never to want to come back to the country whose natural beauty he had praised so muchA passagem de viajantes naturalistas e de artistas estrangeiros pelo Brasil, tanto em sua fase colonial como na imperial, muito enriqueceu o conteúdo de informações sobre o país. Charles Darwin foi um desses viajantes que, com uma abordagem simples e objetiva, contribuiu para esse conhecimento ressaltando, a exemplo dos demais e com ênfase acentuada, a exuberância de nossa fauna e de nossa flora. Ao contrário de boa parte dos viajantes, entretanto, pouco aludiu aos problemas políticos e sociais da terra que visitava. De seus principais textos e correspondências podem se extrair poucas, mas não menos úteis, observações a esse respeito; entre elas, Darwin ressaltou a situação escravista brasileira, enfatizando os maus tratos a que eram submetidos os cativos, em particular na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Com um breve relato dos principais aspectos de suas origens e da passagem de Darwin pelo Brasil, este trabalho tece considerações sobre o tratamento reservado aos escravos nas primeiras décadas do século XIX, relacionadas às considerações por ele assinaladas e ao sentimento negativo que o levaria a nunca mais querer retornar ao país que tanto elogiou pelas suas belezas naturai

    Úlceras por pressão: realidade no Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve na Unidade de Portimão/Lagos

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    As úlceras por pressão representam um importante desafio no que se refere à prestação de cuidados a utentes hospitalizados pois afeta a sua qualidade de vida. Além disso, o tratamento dessas feridas é muitas vezes prolongado e dispendioso, sendo a sua ocorrência um indicador importante na qualidade dos cuidados prestados. Desde 2000, o Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve – Unidade de Portimão/Lagos instituiu medidas para a prevenção de úlceras por pressão e a partir de 2005 iniciou a monitorização das mesmas. Este artigo tem como objetivo, não só, demonstrar quais as intervenções desenvolvidas para a prevenção de úlceras por pressão, bem como, a sua prevalência e incidência nos anos 2005 ao primeiro semestre de 2019. Para a análise dos dados recorreu-se ao relatório anual do “Programa de Melhoria Contínua - Prevenção e Monitorização de Úlceras por Pressão” 2017-2018 e primeiro semestre de 2019 que analisa os dados desde 2005 até à data, bem como à análise de artigos científicos relacionados com o tema. Com os achados foi possível constatar que foi realizada a avaliação de risco de úlcera por pressão a 91% dos utentes admitidos no hospital, que a maior parte das úlceras por pressão teve origem no domicílio e que o número de úlceras por pressão, desenvolvidas durante o internamento, têm vindo a aumentar, assim como a incidência e a prevalência das mesmas ao longo dos anos.N/

    Edad, crecimiento y mortalidad de Pontinus kuhlii (Bowdich, 1825) (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) en los montes submarinos de Gorringe, Ampère, Unicorn y Lion

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    Age and growth of Pontinus kuhlii were studied using otoliths of 153 males and 148 females, with males having a greater length (and age) than females. A high level of agreement was achieved among readers. Due to gear selectivity, only ages above 7 years (males) and 8 years (females) were estimated in whole otoliths. To estimate length-at-age in younger specimens, backcalculation was also considered but its use in otoliths with ages greater than 22 years was not possible because the growth rings were too close to each other. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated by sex using each of these methods and also using an approach that combines mean length-at-age obtained from backcalculation and direct reading on the otoliths. The likelihood ratio test showed significant differences between sexes in the three approaches and Akaike’s information criterion suggests that the backcalculation approach was the best one for describing P. kuhlii growth: TL=38.89[1-e(-0.07(t+1.96))] and TL=56.50[1-e(–0.04(t+1.87))] for females and males, respectively. Natural mortality estimates varied around 0.15 year–1 and 0.07 year–1 for females and males, while the total mortality estimated for 2011 was 0.33 year–1 for females and 0.21 year–1 for males.La edad y crecimiento de Pontinus kuhlii se ha estudiado a partir de otolitos de 153 machos y 148 hembras, alcanzando los machos una talla mayor (y edad) que las hembras. Un alto nivel de acuerdo fue alcanzado entre los lectores. Debido a la selectividad del arte de pesca, sólo las edades de más de 7 años (machos) y 8 años (hembras) pudieron ser estimadas en otolitos enteros. Para la estimación de la talla por edad en los ejemplares más jóvenes, el retrocálculo también fue considerado, pero su uso en los otolitos con edades mayores de 22 años no fue posible, ya que los anillos de crecimiento se encontraban demasiado cerca unos de los otros. Los parámetros de crecimiento, ajustados a la ecuación de Von Bertalanffy, fueron estimados por sexo con ambos métodos, y también a partir de otro que combina la talla media por grupo de edad obtenida a partir del retrocálculo y de la lectura directa en los otolitos. La prueba de máxima verosimilitud mostró diferencias significativas entre sexos en los tres métodos y el criterio Akaike de información sugiere que el retrocálculo fue el mejor para describir el crecimiento de P. kuhlii: TL=38.89[1–e(–0.07(t+1.96))] y TL=56.50[1–e(–0.04(t+1.87))] para las hembras y machos, respectivamente. La estimación de la mortalidad natural varió entre 0.15 año–1 y 0.07 año–1 para hembras y machos, mientras que la mortalidad total estimada para 2011 fue de 0.33 año–1 para las hembras y 0.21 año–1 para los machos

    Assessing the Impact of Using a Children's Book in the Classroom as a Tool to Promote Environmental Awareness

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    UIDB/04666/2020 UIDP/04666/2020 CEECIND/02907/2017 2020.01797.CEECIND CEECIND/02705/2017Listening to a story stimulates children to understand concepts and vocabulary, while developing their background knowledge. Previous research indicates that the use of scientifically accurate literature helps children connect to the natural world. Promoting environmental education (EE) should be of utmost importance in school curricula, providing opportunities to students to improve their knowledge regarding the environment, and how to protect it. Particularly, marine ecosystems have been subject to increasing pressures, highlighting the importance of taking Ocean Literacy (OL) to the classroom. Drawing attention to more relatable environments, like a river, by tailoring OL activities to local contexts and community interests, might be an efficient strategy to raise awareness of ocean problems. A children’s book, written by a MARE (Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Portugal) researcher, with a macrobenthic invertebrate as the main character, was the springboard for an outreach project, developed with elementary school students. The project aimed to assess the impact of using a children’s book as a tool to promote environmental awareness, focusing on river basin ecological issues. Researchers conducted reading sessions of the book with 89 female and 87 male elementary school students (ages between 8–10). The target audience were students from two public and two private schools from an urban city and a city with a strong fishing tradition, aiming to assess if the reading session impacted students differently according to their background. A sequential explanatory mixed methodology was applied, using a pretest-posttest design, combined with focus group interviews in the last phase, to measure change in students’ knowledge, before and after the reading. Results demonstrated that there was an overall improvement in students’ knowledge regarding river basin biodiversity and anthropogenic threats they are subjected to. Furthermore, the idea that local impacts on rivers will also reach and influence the ocean was always present throughout the reading sessions. Students’ background, such as the type of school and region influenced higher posttest score results. In particular, students from Lisbon had higher scores in posttest results, while the same was observed for students from private schools. The present research revealed that a children’s book is an effective tool to improve environmental knowledge, while being an entertaining activity for students.publishersversionpublishe